Requirements for papers

The structure of the paper

The structure of the paper should be as follows:

  • title;
  • author(s), institution, country, e-mail;
  • abstract;
  • key words;
  • introduction;
  • aim of the research;
  • object of the research;
  • methods and methodologies;
  • results of the research;
  • conclusions;
  • list of references.

Requirements for formatting 

The paper should be submitted in Microsoft Word 95/98/2000/2003/2007/2010. 
The papers should be submitted in one of 3 languages: English, Latvian, and Russian.
Papers for publication should be limited to one printer’s sheet (16 pages of A4 format papers).
Page setup: A4 paper; margins: top, bottom– 2 cm, right, left –3 cm.
Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt. Paragraph: line spacing – single, alignment – justified.
The title: font - Times New Roman, Capital letters, 14 pt, bold, centred.
Under the paper title author’s initials and surname. First Name - small letters, 13pt, bold, italic. Surname – Capital letters, 13pt, Bold, Italic, alignment – right.
Under the name, institution: 13 pt, italics, and alignment – right.
Heading Abstract – 14pt, bold, alignment – left.
Abstract – 11pt, italic.
Key words: 
Headings - 14pt, bold, alignment – left.
Numbers: Arabic, subchapters numbered by two figures (1.1, 1.2, etc.)
Paper text - font: Times New Roman 11 pt, paragraph: line spacing – single, alignment – justified.
Diagrams and drawings: Excel or wmf, bmp, jpg, tiff or pcx formats. Titles of the tables and drawings: 10 pt, small letters, bold, italic. Space between pictures or tables and the text: 1 line interval. 
Tables, drawing, diagrams and charts with a clear title should be numbered by Arabic numerals. 
The approximate position of these materials should be indicated in the manuscript. 
References in the text should be presented in brackets (Knox, 1988; Martin, 1995). If necessary, the page can be indicated: (Martin, 1995, 48). 
Footnotes should not be used.
List of references should be listed in alphabetical order. Each listed reference should be cited in text, and each text citation should be listed in the References. Basic formats are as follows:

For books
Hallam, S. (1998). Instrumental Teaching: A practical guide to better teaching and learning. Oxford: Heinemann. 
Yeric, J. & Todd, J. (1989). Public opinion: The visible politics. Chicago: Peacock.

For journal articles
Peterson, J. & Schmidt, A. (1999). Widening the horizons for secondary schools. Journal of Secondary Education, 3(8), 89–106.

For published conference paper
Edwards, K. & Graham, R. (1992). The all female expedition: A personal perspective. In:Gender on Ice: Proceedings of a Conference on Women in Antarctica. Canberra: Australian Antarctic Foundation, 75–81.

For chapters in edited books
Philpott, Chr. & Carden-Price, Chr. (2001). Approaches to the teaching of GCSE. In: Chr.Philpott, (Ed.). Learning to Teach Music in the Secondary School. London, New York: Routledge, Falmer, 184 – 195.

Document on the World Wide Web (dated and author or sponsor given)
Brown, H. (1994). Citing computer references. Retrieved April 3, 1995, from